Home Mentor Protege Agreement Examples

Mentor Protege Agreement Examples

March 9, 2023

Mentor-protégé agreements are a great way for small businesses to partner with larger corporations to enhance their business operations and competitiveness. These agreements allow businesses to work together to build relationships, transfer technical knowledge and develop new capabilities. In this article, we will explore some examples of mentor-protégé agreements and what they entail.

1. Lockheed Martin and Caelum Research Corp

Lockheed Martin is a renowned aerospace and defense company, while Caelum Research Corp is a small business specializing in software development and data analytics. The two companies entered into a mentor-protégé agreement to enhance Caelum`s technical capabilities and market share in the aerospace and defense industry. Lockheed Martin provided Caelum with technical assistance, training, and access to their supplier networks. Caelum, in turn, improved their software development processes, quality management, and cyber-security capabilities.

2. Pfizer and Diversity Alliance for Science

Pfizer, a leading pharmaceutical company, entered into a mentor-protégé agreement with Diversity Alliance for Science (DA4S) to enhance the representation of minority-owned businesses in the pharmaceutical industry. DA4S is a non-profit organization that provides support and resources to minority-owned businesses. Under the mentor-protégé agreement, Pfizer provided DA4S members with access to their supplier networks, technical assistance, and training. This partnership helped DA4S members to develop new capabilities to compete in the pharmaceutical industry.

3. Nucor and Hillsdale College

Nucor, a leading steel producer, partnered with Hillsdale College, a liberal arts college, to develop a training program for steel manufacturing. The mentor-protégé agreement allowed Nucor to transfer technical knowledge and expertise to Hillsdale College, which helped to develop a curriculum that would be relevant to the needs of the steel industry. The training program helped to create a pipeline of skilled workers for Nucor and other steel companies.


Mentor-protégé agreements are a great way for small businesses to gain exposure and access to resources that will help them compete in their respective industries. These agreements allow small businesses to leverage the expertise and networks of larger corporations to develop new capabilities and enhance their competitiveness. Whether in the aerospace and defense industry, pharmaceutical industry, or steel industry, mentor-protégé agreements have proven to be beneficial for businesses of all sizes.