Home Federal Contract Information (Fci) Definition

Federal Contract Information (Fci) Definition

August 7, 2022

Federal contract information (FCI) definition

Federal Contract Information (FCI) refers to any information that is either acquired or generated as part of a contracted project with the United States federal government. This information can be either classified or unclassified and may include data such as pricing, plans, designs, and other related materials.

Many government contractors are required to handle FCI as part of their work, and it is important to understand the rules and regulations surrounding this sensitive data. Failure to properly safeguard FCI can result in severe legal and financial penalties, as well as loss of trust and reputation with the government.

The Department of Defense (DoD) has outlined specific guidelines for the handling of FCI through the Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement (DFARS). These guidelines are designed to ensure that FCI is properly protected from unauthorized access or disclosure, and to promote the security and integrity of this information.

Key guidelines for handling FCI include:

1. Only authorized personnel should be permitted access to FCI.

2. FCI should be stored in a secure location that is inaccessible to unauthorized individuals.

3. Electronic storage of FCI should be protected through proper encryption and other security measures.

4. Any transmission of FCI should be done through secure channels and with proper protocol.

5. Contractors are required to report any incidents of data loss or unauthorized access to FCI.

In addition to these guidelines, contractors are also required to maintain proper documentation of their FCI handling policies and procedures. This documentation can be required for audits or other compliance purposes and is important for maintaining the integrity and security of FCI.

Overall, proper handling of FCI is essential for government contractors who want to maintain their reputation and credibility with federal agencies. By following the guidelines outlined by the DoD, contractors can help ensure that FCI remains secure and confidential, and avoid potential legal or financial penalties.